Dahlia #2103 - Caryl Alys

I really love Dahlias. But, I'm a lazy gardener and usually I just can't be bothered to dig them up and store them inside for the winter. I've been so happy to not have to dig up the canna lilies here in Virginia (they come back year after year! yahoo!), but the Dahlias are not as accommodating and don't seem to survive even the mildest of winter's here.

Each fall I vow to stop growing them, but I almost always cave and buy a few new Dahlia rhizomes each spring. They are just so pretty, I can't resist! This year's Dahlia (I neglected to note the variety) is especially pretty so I really do plan to dig and store them inside over the winter.... I promise!

ps - My Dahlia #2103 print above is for sale on CarylAlys.com

Oct 03 2014
Posted in: Print Gallery

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