
There's not much happening in the garden these days. Things are pretty much winding down to a big halt. We do have some chrysanthemums blooming (the one above is blooming in our front yard), but that's about it.

I've never been crazy about chrysanthemums. Although it is nice to have something bloom so late in the season, growing chrysanthemums as perennials is a lot of work. If you don't cut them back throughout the spring and summer, you'll just end up with a big floppy mess ... and that's about what I've got right now. A big purple floppy mess.

Oh well, maybe next year I'll take better care of them early in the season.

Wild mushrooms are starting to pop up in our pine forest and throughout our woods. Over the years I have become completely scared of wild mushrooms because my biologist husband always points out their potential dangers to me when we see them (in particular Amanita muscaria). So ... I don't ever touch them, but I do take photos.

The other day I noticed this big mushroom and snapped a quick photo of it with my smart phone.

Wild Mushrooms

The more I look at the photo, the more I see a face on the mushroom.

Do you see it?

I see 2 eyes and a mouth with a mustache ... and the "gills" (known as "lamellae" by those who study fungi, the platelike structures arranged on the underside of a mushroom's cap) look an awful lot like a beard to me.

Maybe it's because I've been sick this past week (I rarely get sick), or maybe I've just been spending too much time lately wishing I would finally get around to properly learning French, but I'm pretty sure this mushroom is French.

Here's how I really see it ....

Wild Mushroom

Ha Ha.

Yes, I know. I know.

I really should be spending my spare time cleaning up the garden beds, or digging up the rest of the sweet potatoes, or cleaning and organizing the gardening tools rather than Photoshopping a mushroom into a frenchman. But, I've been feeling rather lazy lately. I'd rather spend a few days curled up next to a fireplace with some hot chocolate than clean up the garden. I think I'll work on the garden next week...

Nov 06 2013
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