Self Sown Bok Choy

I am facing a serious gardening dilemma and don't know what to do.

Earlier this spring, I grew bok choy. I had 8 lovely, almost perfect bok choy plants growing happily in the garden. I had started them from seeds inside under grow lights and planted them out in the garden in April. By late May, they had grown into perfect little bok choy plants. They were simply beautiful.

We harvested the first in late May/early June and it tasted fantastic. Things looked great for a nice bok choy summer harvest.

Then in early June, the rains came and didn't stop for at least a week. The bok choy got completely flooded. Faced with it's impending doom, the bok choy bolted.

We weren't able to harvest any of the other plants. I was so disappointed that I practically wiped the memory of the bok choy from my mind. I neglected it and let it go to seed. I did eventually harvest some of the seeds, but left many where they fell.


Of course, we pulled up the plants along with the other cabbage, broccoli and brussel sprouts that we lost from the rain and eventually planted bush beans in their place.

And, so here's where my dilemma comes in. Since I was careless and let the bok choy freely go to seed, I now have hundreds of tiny bok choy plants sprouting up everywhere... especially in the walkways of the garden.

I absolutely hate the idea of killing all those little bok choy plants. I've even been walking around them (or trying to!) when checking the other plants or picking beans - so afraid I will squash them.

But .... what would I do with hundreds of bok choy?

Aug 27 2013
Posted in: Vegetables

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