Tree Frog Sleeping in Pitchfork Handle

We don't really use our front porch and yard much. The front yard is enclosed by a cute white picket fence though, so I do often put our dog out there early in the morning until I've had a chance to ingest vast amounts of coffee and take him for a proper walk. He's happy to snort around out there for a bit by himself & I don't have to worry about him wandering off.

Our front door is also closer to the garden then the other doors, so we tend to come and go through the front door when we go to the garden. Because of that, the front porch has a tendency to act as a staging area for gardening things. A few days ago on my way back from the garden, I was too lazy to walk out to the garage and put a pitchfork away properly, so I just propped it up against the house and left it on our front porch where it would be out of the rain.

I suppose if I were the type of person who needed to have everything in it's place at all times, or I had OCD, I would've put it away properly.

But, I'm not.

And, my husband is even less of that type of person than I am, so the pitchfork has been on the front porch for at least 5 or 6 days ... maybe more. It had been there so long, in fact, that I had gotten to the point where I didn't even see it as I passed it each day (even though it has a neon orange handle!).

A Green Tree Frog

But for some reason, this morning when I brought our puppy back inside from his little snort-fest in the front yard, I really looked at the pitchfork and noticed a green tree frog had taken up residence in the handle. I grabbed my camera and shot the photo above. I loved how his green-ness looked so fashionable against the bright orange handle.

Then, I came back inside and forgot all about it.

Now, my husband is not big (at all!!!) on putting things away himself, but for some reason this morning he decided that the pitchfork needed to be inside somewhere. And, being just as lazy as I am, he didn't take it out to the garage where it belongs, but rather brought it inside to be completely out of the weather.

He didn't see the frog. But the frog sure saw him.

When he put the pitchfork down and propped it up against the wall INSIDE the house, the frog jumped off and started hopping around our living room. We spent the next 5 minutes trying to catch it.

It was comical.

I think there was cartoon music and a laugh track going the entire time in my head. And, I'm pretty sure if the scene had been caught on video, we could've won "America's Funniest Home Videos" with it.

Have you ever tried to catch a frog? It's not that easy!

Anyway, after what seemed like a year and a half, we finally caught the little frog (or I should say my husband did).

The frog promptly thanked us by peeing on my husband's hand and we put him back outside.

And that's how my Saturday started.

Oct 12 2013

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October 13, 2013

Awesome story! I think that, next time, you shouldn't even bother to help. Just grab your camera and start shooting ... or video camera ... or both! LOVE the photo. Still battling jealousy over the frogs. HAPPY that you have them. WISHING I had me some. Even one.


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