Things have been pretty quiet around here lately and there's not much to do by way of gardening. The seed catalogs have begun pouring in, but otherwise I haven't been thinking much about the garden. It has been rather cold and just yesterday we had a big freezing rain storm that caused all of the trees and shrubs to become covered in a thick layer of ice and bending their heavy branches over to the ground.
Today's a different story though ... it's sunny and warm(ish) and the ice is melting. So, what do you do on a mid January day that is sunny and warm(ish)? You harvest some turnips, of course!
I planted a bunch of turnip seeds back in the early fall. They grew and grew, but I'd kind of been ignoring them ... until today! I figured I'd better check if, after the brutal cold and ice, that they were still edible.
They are! I ate the turnips pictured above for lunch today and they were wonderful simply sauteed in some butter and garlic.
Nothing like harvesting and eating something fresh from the garden in January!!
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