I love bok choy.
It's not so much that I love to eat it (although it is good in many dishes), but rather that I love looking at it in the garden. I think it is just a lovely, lovely vegetable ... you know, as vegetables go.
I've got quite a bit of bok choy growing in different stages in my fall garden right now. I planted some (maybe 4 or 5 seedlings) and the rest (50?) popped up on their own after I let some of the spring plants go to seed. So, yes, bok choy is pretty much growing everywhere.
I'm pretty sure that we have way more than we'll probably ever be able to eat (yes, I really need to learn how to make Bok Choy Kimchi, and soon!), but I can't bring myself to pull up the stragglers... they just look so pretty (even with dirt splattered on them from the sprinkler)!
Whenever I go out to the garden to take pictures each day, it seems I am drawn to the bok choy like a moth to a flame. I guess it must have "star" written all over it and it's definitely the super model of my garden. I find myself snapping photos left and right as I circle around the plants trying to capture their beauty.
Is that weird? :-)
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