Growing Figs

Yesterday I picked my first fig of the season and it was a whopper ... just look at how big it is! I was curious just how big it was too, so I weighed it...can you guess how much this single fig weighed?

6 Ounces.

Yep, it's a big one. A really big, fat, juicy fig.

I had never grown figs before moving here. As a matter of fact, I remember the day we moved in asking what the heck the tree was. I had never seen a fig tree, let alone eaten a freshly picked fig.

I didn't know what I'd been missing ... talk about a treat!

The Common Fig (Ficus carica)

We have 2 large, mature fig trees of unknown variety. Even though I don't know what kind they are, the trees are happy, the fruit are tasty and figs are really easy to start from cuttings, so I figured why not propagate them?  I have since started 8 more fig trees from their cuttings. Unfortunately, these won't produce fruit for a few years, but they will be worth the wait. 

I also purchased 2 brown turkey fig trees a few years ago and have those growing as well. When they get large enough, I'll propagate those too. You can never have too many figs, right?

We get 2 harvests from our mature fig trees each year - one in the early summer that blooms on the old hardwood from the previous season and another later in the summer that blooms on new growth.  The first harvest produces humungous fruit that are not only larger, but also a bit sweeter than the later harvest. But the second harvest tends to produce a lot more fruit overall. Both batches are equally amazing.

Figs are super easy to grow and relatively carefree. They grow easily in zones 8 and above, but I have heard stories of them growing successfully in colder regions too. You can also grow figs in containers. They like full sun and can grow into 20-30 foot trees if not pruned and kept under control.  Our largest fig tree is easily over 15 feet feet tall and at least 15 feet wide. Yep, it's a big boy and it produces a lot of fruit.

Have I mentioned that I love that fig tree?

For the most part, figs aren't very bothered by disease or insect damage. Pests are another story altogether though ... I'm pretty sure birds, raccoons, and other critters come from miles away just to eat our figs. We especially seem to have problems with hungry birds (crows!) eating our figs, so bird netting is essential.

Otherwise, figs are just plain great. They are easy to grow and oh so easy to eat ... they just melt in your mouth! There is nothing as sweet and delicious as a freshly picked, ripe fig. Especially when it comes from your own yard!

Jul 09 2013
Posted in: Fruits

Join the Conversation!

Jack Lee
July 9, 2013

There are hundreds of varieties of figs and I grow about 6 different kinds in my California garden.


Horticultural Zone: 8
July 9, 2013

I just love figs ... maybe I'll plant some this year!


Val Renda
Horticultural Zone: 92020
December 27, 2013

I am reading about the large figs, Yum!! I am curious to know what is the name of that fig you were holding in your hand.

Today I received 6 long branches of large green fig, I remember seeing the fruit that he brought to the picnic this past summer, unfortunately I didn't taste, I said to the man, I want a branch from your tree.

I will need to find out the name of the fig tree.

I remember back in Sicily we had several of figs and on in particular large fig.


December 27, 2013

Happy holidays Val! No idea what variety that fig is... the tree was here when we bought the property and the previous owners didn't give us any info about the plants and trees. The tree gives us 2 harvests of fruit each year and the first one in the spring produces humungus! figs. Figs are super easy to grow from cuttings too. Best of luck with yours!!

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