Things are really starting to pick up in the garden now - veggies, herbs, flowers and weeds are all growing quickly!

I think I have somewhere between a third and a half of the garden planted now. It rained all week, so I wasn't able to get much of anything done in the garden. I still need to plant out the tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, summer and winter squash, pumpkins, melons, sweet potatoes, and lots of herbs and flowers, in addition to direct sowing the corn, beans, okra, sunflowers, and zinnias. I'm sure I'll think of some other things to plant too!

Anyway, I thought you might like to see how things are coming along, so I snapped a few photos this morning of what is growing in our veggie garden right this very minute. Please disregard the weeds :-)

Green Globe Artichoke Seedling

Green Globe Artichokes

(These were started from seed this spring and are rather small so far. I didn't take photos of the mature artichokes we have growing!)




Broccoli Seedling


Cabbage Seedling


Kale Seedling






 (still keeping under netting to try to keep the crows from pulling them up!)


Spinach Seedling 


Swiss Chard Seedling 

Swiss Chard

Vidalia Onion


(Yikes, the weeds!)


Strawberry Plants


I also have cauliflower, lettuce, collard greens, bok choy, brussel sprouts, and various herbs growing.  The carrots have also been planted, but so far are a no show.

What's growing in your garden today?

May 11 2013
Posted in: Vegetables

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